Defence Force family matters in understanding hands.

29 January 2020

Life in the Defence Forces is hard. It is no wonder that often families wear the brunt of the cost that comes from serving our country. With a significant rate of family breakdown experienced in most sections of the Defence Force, Donaldson Law are committed to offering service personnel and their families options.

Our family law system means that some aspects of family separation need to be formalised. Whilst there is a need for some legal assistance, this does not mean Defence families need to argue, fight, resort to the courts and spend thousands of dollars.

With the head of our family law section, Sarah Adams, the wife of a former serving member of the Army together with Director of Donaldson Law, Adair Donaldson also a former reserve member, we understand the issues facing Defence families. This means we are uniquely placed to offer respectful, supportive and cooperative family law options to members of the Defence Forces and their families. Our collaborative family law approach means we will, together with our network of support professionals, tailor an out of court process to meet the needs of each member of the separating family, including children. The outcome for families is a cost effective process, that brings to an end the financial relationship of the parties whilst also ensuring the maintenance of an amicable and cooperative relationship, that meets the needs of any children.

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