
More experience to benefit you

We specialise in only a few practice areas, our extensive experience in these areas means better outcomes for you.

More money in your pocket

Many law firms have a range of hidden costs, find out how we do things differently at Donaldson Law.

More focused on
your needs

To us, you’re a person and not a legal problem. We’re here to listen to your story and support you.

Call us now for a free confidential discussion to see how we can help: 1800 940 693

Abuse law

We assist survivors of sexual, physical and institutional abuse and those who have experienced sexual harassment. It can be hard to come forward, our trauma focused approach makes it easier.

Abuse Law Services

ADF claims

At Donaldson Law, we can help former Defence members with claims involving Super Invalidity Benefits, Historical Abuse and applications to the Defence Reparation Scheme.

ADF Claims Services

Landowner compensation

We can provide legal advice and guidance to landowners if you have compensation claims regarding either contamination by PFAS chemicals, or because of land resumption.

The Donaldson Law Difference

We’re focused on you

Taking the step to talk to a lawyer can be difficult. We are easy to talk to and understanding. We judge ourselves not only on the results we deliver for you, but also how we have made you feel.

We keep the number of claims every solicitor handles low, so they have time to focus on you and achieve the best results in as short a time frame as possible. We also know everyone’s story is unique, we take the time to listen to you and always advise the best path forward for your circumstances.

We work towards out of court solutions

We are not an aggressive or adversarial law firm. The more lawyers fight, the more it costs you. In our experience clients don’t want their day in court. They want a matter resolved as quickly and cost-effectively as possible, whilst achieving a positive outcome.

No win, no fee.

Not all No Win, No Fee agreements are created equally, find out what makes ours different to many other law firms.

Contact us

We’ll listen to you and let you know if we can help you, free of obligation or charge.

Contact us using any of the methods below and we’ll get back to you within one working day, if not sooner.

Alternatively, simply complete our short contact form and we’ll get back to you using your preferred contact method.

We have achieved over 500 settlements and $105 million in compensation in under 8 years.

Knowledge Centre

Regularly updated, our Knowledge Centre area features many informative articles and interviews to keep you up to date with the latest legal news. Read our most recent article or click through the links to find more.

BREAKING THE SILENCE: Exposing Systemic Abuse in Australia’s Elite Institutions

January 30, 2025

The series of scandals to rock the New South Wales Police Force shows us once again that there are systemic, cultural issues across a...

BREAKING THE SILENCE: Exposing Systemic Abuse in Australia’s Elite Institutions

January 30, 2025

The series of scandals to rock the New South Wales Police Force shows us once again that there are systemic, cultural issues across a...

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“They had my best interests at heart”

First and foremost it must be said that the level of professionalism, compassion and conduct when liaising with Donaldson Law has been without a doubt second to none. Each and every point of contact with the firm has been a heartfelt and respectful exchange that is not only refreshing but a true testament to the degree of expertise within a delicate and complex matter that surpassed all my expectations.

I was extremely confident that justice was the only outcome sought...

L.G. Queensland Read our Client Testimonials

support services.

We encourage you to talk to and rely on the support of family, friends and professional services.