
hope for silenced survivors.

February 1, 2021

I keep secrets. Scores of them. Secrets so horrifying, so brutal and gut-wrenching, that no person should ever have to keep them. I need...

Australian army patch

op-ed: defence force abuse reports increasing, but not rapidly enough.

23 November 2020

In December 2016, the Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman (within its Defence Force Ombudsman jurisdiction) began receiving reports of serious abuse.

federal government urged to close loopholes.

11 December 2020

Adair Donaldson, said: "loopholes will be exploited by paedophiles, so anything we do to ensure the safety of children is a no-brainer."

revenge porn karma. when it hits it sticks.

October 14, 2020

In the last few weeks, multiple legal cases have come out of Canberra that should send shockwaves throughout Australia. For those people who think...

inside the Australian Gymnastics abuse disgrace.

1 October 2020

Adair Donaldson spoke to Alexandra Carlton for her article in Marie Claire's October issue, outlining the outpouring of allegations from Australian gymnasts.

Gymnastics Australia inquiry to reveal ‘spectrum’ of abuse allegations, lawyer warns.

October 1, 2020

The lawyer representing a group of 40 past and present Australian gymnasts has warned "a spectrum" of abuse allegations will emerge from an independent...

family lawyer Sarah Adams featured on Talkin’ Toowoomba podcast.

September 28, 2020

The Talkin' Toowoomba podcast chats to a lawyer Sarah Adams from Donaldson Law who is passionate about our non-confrontational approach to Family Law.

documentary ‘Athlete A’ has encouraged gymnasts to speak out against abuse they have suffered.

23 August 2020

Adair Donaldson was interviewed by Tracey Holmes on The Ticket about the Human Rights Commission's investigation into 'child cruelty' in Australian gymnastics.

survivors of sexual abuse – a guide to legal fees.

February 23, 2017

As the Royal Commission continues to highlight the extent of child abuse that has occurred in institutions, the survivors of this abuse are turning...

victims of Defence abuse and bastardisation hail govt decision to drop time limits for claims.

May 11, 2016

Listen to Adair Donaldson, Director of Donaldson Law speaking with Michael Brissenden this morning on AM.

important information for survivors of child abuse in the ADF.

May 10, 2016

Last week the Federal Government announced a legal directive regarding time limitations for child abuse in government organisations.

ADF faces 105 compensation claims for physical and sexual abuse, praised for handling.

January 20, 2016

A lawyer representing claimants has praised the ADF's response to more than 100 claims citing gang rape, sexual harassment and bullying of ADF members.

sexual harassment, bullying has no place in the ARU.

October 13, 2014

I have watched with dismay as the woes of the Wallabies have been blamed on the former Wallabies staff member Di Patston...

hope for silenced survivors.

February 1, 2021

I keep secrets. Scores of them. Secrets so horrifying, so brutal and gut-wrenching, that no person should ever have to keep them. I need...

Australian army patch

op-ed: defence force abuse reports increasing, but not rapidly enough.

23 November 2020

In December 2016, the Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman (within its Defence Force Ombudsman jurisdiction) began receiving reports of serious abuse.

federal government urged to close loopholes.

11 December 2020

Adair Donaldson, said: "loopholes will be exploited by paedophiles, so anything we do to ensure the safety of children is a no-brainer."

revenge porn karma. when it hits it sticks.

October 14, 2020

In the last few weeks, multiple legal cases have come out of Canberra that should send shockwaves throughout Australia. For those people who think...

inside the Australian Gymnastics abuse disgrace.

1 October 2020

Adair Donaldson spoke to Alexandra Carlton for her article in Marie Claire's October issue, outlining the outpouring of allegations from Australian gymnasts.

Gymnastics Australia inquiry to reveal ‘spectrum’ of abuse allegations, lawyer warns.

October 1, 2020

The lawyer representing a group of 40 past and present Australian gymnasts has warned "a spectrum" of abuse allegations will emerge from an independent...

family lawyer Sarah Adams featured on Talkin’ Toowoomba podcast.

September 28, 2020

The Talkin' Toowoomba podcast chats to a lawyer Sarah Adams from Donaldson Law who is passionate about our non-confrontational approach to Family Law.

documentary ‘Athlete A’ has encouraged gymnasts to speak out against abuse they have suffered.

23 August 2020

Adair Donaldson was interviewed by Tracey Holmes on The Ticket about the Human Rights Commission's investigation into 'child cruelty' in Australian gymnastics.

survivors of sexual abuse – a guide to legal fees.

February 23, 2017

As the Royal Commission continues to highlight the extent of child abuse that has occurred in institutions, the survivors of this abuse are turning...

victims of Defence abuse and bastardisation hail govt decision to drop time limits for claims.

May 11, 2016

Listen to Adair Donaldson, Director of Donaldson Law speaking with Michael Brissenden this morning on AM.

important information for survivors of child abuse in the ADF.

May 10, 2016

Last week the Federal Government announced a legal directive regarding time limitations for child abuse in government organisations.

ADF faces 105 compensation claims for physical and sexual abuse, praised for handling.

January 20, 2016

A lawyer representing claimants has praised the ADF's response to more than 100 claims citing gang rape, sexual harassment and bullying of ADF members.

sexual harassment, bullying has no place in the ARU.

October 13, 2014

I have watched with dismay as the woes of the Wallabies have been blamed on the former Wallabies staff member Di Patston...

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