which articles would you like to read?
a guide to land resumption part 2 – information gathering.
November 21, 2022Land Resumption - where to start? As simple as it may sound information gathering both in the initial stages and as time goes on...
a guide to land resumption part 1 – an introduction.
November 18, 2022It's the "Oh No" moment... you've heard your land may be resumed. A hundred thoughts and feelings flood your mind. What to do? Where...

education presentations.
October 27, 2022Another busy few months for Adair with Education Presentations

Gold Coast light rail project.
October 24, 2022Department of Transport and Main Roads expected to commence with the compulsory acquisition of land.

brand new homes to be bulldozed following announcement of Bruce Highway upgrade.
October 21, 2022When the people of Queensland think that decisions made by the Queensland Government are so ridiculous, far-fetched and ill-considered that it should be...

Pioneer Valley hydro project throws residents a curve ball.
October 5, 2022Residents in the beautiful Pioneer Valley inland from Mackay have been thrown a curve ball this week, following the announcement of the Queensland...

special counsel Lisa Kinder shares her thoughts on the AHRC Independent Review of Gymnastics.
3 May 2020You can listen to Lisa's interview with Patricia Karvelas on RN Drive between 14:50 - 22:48.

AIS accused of ignoring decades of allegations of physical and psychological abuse of gymnasts.
2 May 2021Donaldson Law's Lisa Kinder was interviewed by the ABC for this report into the abuse child gymnasts suffered at the AIS.
hope for silenced survivors.
February 1, 2021I keep secrets. Scores of them. Secrets so horrifying, so brutal and gut-wrenching, that no person should ever have to keep them. I need...

op-ed: defence force abuse reports increasing, but not rapidly enough.
23 November 2020In December 2016, the Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman (within its Defence Force Ombudsman jurisdiction) began receiving reports of serious abuse.

federal government urged to close loopholes.
11 December 2020Adair Donaldson, said: "loopholes will be exploited by paedophiles, so anything we do to ensure the safety of children is a no-brainer."

revenge porn karma. when it hits it sticks.
October 14, 2020In the last few weeks, multiple legal cases have come out of Canberra that should send shockwaves throughout Australia. For those people who think...

inside the Australian Gymnastics abuse disgrace.
1 October 2020Adair Donaldson spoke to Alexandra Carlton for her article in Marie Claire's October issue, outlining the outpouring of allegations from Australian gymnasts.
victims of Defence abuse and bastardisation hail govt decision to drop time limits for claims.
May 11, 2016Listen to Adair Donaldson, Director of Donaldson Law speaking with Michael Brissenden this morning on AM.
important information for survivors of child abuse in the ADF.
May 10, 2016Last week the Federal Government announced a legal directive regarding time limitations for child abuse in government organisations.
ADF faces 105 compensation claims for physical and sexual abuse, praised for handling.
January 20, 2016A lawyer representing claimants has praised the ADF's response to more than 100 claims citing gang rape, sexual harassment and bullying of ADF members.
watch Adair on the Today show speaking with Alison Langdon about abuse in swimming.
June 16, 2021Adair explains that abuse in sport is not isolated to swimming, he also lists 5 important areas we should be starting with to address these issues.
promo clip: workplace sexual harassment training resource
May 27, 2021In 2019, Donaldson Law were retained by the Queensland Law Society to design, develop and produce a training resource addressing workplace sexual harassment.

‘petri dish for abuse’: gymnastics faces a reckoning in Australia.
5 May 2021Imagine if we were treating racehorses or greyhounds like this – there’d be public uproar - Lawyer Adair Donaldson.

gymnasts seek compensation ‘for harm’.
May 5, 2021"Our clients now feel heard, they feel believed, that their truth has now been accepted — that’s an important validating factor for most survivors."

special counsel Lisa Kinder shares her thoughts on the AHRC Independent Review of Gymnastics.
3 May 2020You can listen to Lisa's interview with Patricia Karvelas on RN Drive between 14:50 - 22:48.
adair donaldson talks about consent and the law.
March 14, 2021Don’t think it matters to you? It matters to all of us. Sexual abuse lawyer and educator Adair Donaldson shares 5 short reasons you...

federal government urged to close loopholes.
11 December 2020Adair Donaldson, said: "loopholes will be exploited by paedophiles, so anything we do to ensure the safety of children is a no-brainer."

revenge porn karma. when it hits it sticks.
October 14, 2020In the last few weeks, multiple legal cases have come out of Canberra that should send shockwaves throughout Australia. For those people who think...
a guide to land resumption part 2 – information gathering.
November 21, 2022Land Resumption - where to start? As simple as it may sound information gathering both in the initial stages and as time goes on...
a guide to land resumption part 1 – an introduction.
November 18, 2022It's the "Oh No" moment... you've heard your land may be resumed. A hundred thoughts and feelings flood your mind. What to do? Where...

education presentations.
October 27, 2022Another busy few months for Adair with Education Presentations

Gold Coast light rail project.
October 24, 2022Department of Transport and Main Roads expected to commence with the compulsory acquisition of land.

brand new homes to be bulldozed following announcement of Bruce Highway upgrade.
October 21, 2022When the people of Queensland think that decisions made by the Queensland Government are so ridiculous, far-fetched and ill-considered that it should be...

Pioneer Valley hydro project throws residents a curve ball.
October 5, 2022Residents in the beautiful Pioneer Valley inland from Mackay have been thrown a curve ball this week, following the announcement of the Queensland...

special counsel Lisa Kinder shares her thoughts on the AHRC Independent Review of Gymnastics.
3 May 2020You can listen to Lisa's interview with Patricia Karvelas on RN Drive between 14:50 - 22:48.

AIS accused of ignoring decades of allegations of physical and psychological abuse of gymnasts.
2 May 2021Donaldson Law's Lisa Kinder was interviewed by the ABC for this report into the abuse child gymnasts suffered at the AIS.
hope for silenced survivors.
February 1, 2021I keep secrets. Scores of them. Secrets so horrifying, so brutal and gut-wrenching, that no person should ever have to keep them. I need...

op-ed: defence force abuse reports increasing, but not rapidly enough.
23 November 2020In December 2016, the Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman (within its Defence Force Ombudsman jurisdiction) began receiving reports of serious abuse.

federal government urged to close loopholes.
11 December 2020Adair Donaldson, said: "loopholes will be exploited by paedophiles, so anything we do to ensure the safety of children is a no-brainer."

revenge porn karma. when it hits it sticks.
October 14, 2020In the last few weeks, multiple legal cases have come out of Canberra that should send shockwaves throughout Australia. For those people who think...

inside the Australian Gymnastics abuse disgrace.
1 October 2020Adair Donaldson spoke to Alexandra Carlton for her article in Marie Claire's October issue, outlining the outpouring of allegations from Australian gymnasts.
victims of Defence abuse and bastardisation hail govt decision to drop time limits for claims.
May 11, 2016Listen to Adair Donaldson, Director of Donaldson Law speaking with Michael Brissenden this morning on AM.
important information for survivors of child abuse in the ADF.
May 10, 2016Last week the Federal Government announced a legal directive regarding time limitations for child abuse in government organisations.
ADF faces 105 compensation claims for physical and sexual abuse, praised for handling.
January 20, 2016A lawyer representing claimants has praised the ADF's response to more than 100 claims citing gang rape, sexual harassment and bullying of ADF members.
watch Adair on the Today show speaking with Alison Langdon about abuse in swimming.
June 16, 2021Adair explains that abuse in sport is not isolated to swimming, he also lists 5 important areas we should be starting with to address these issues.
promo clip: workplace sexual harassment training resource
May 27, 2021In 2019, Donaldson Law were retained by the Queensland Law Society to design, develop and produce a training resource addressing workplace sexual harassment.

‘petri dish for abuse’: gymnastics faces a reckoning in Australia.
5 May 2021Imagine if we were treating racehorses or greyhounds like this – there’d be public uproar - Lawyer Adair Donaldson.

gymnasts seek compensation ‘for harm’.
May 5, 2021"Our clients now feel heard, they feel believed, that their truth has now been accepted — that’s an important validating factor for most survivors."

special counsel Lisa Kinder shares her thoughts on the AHRC Independent Review of Gymnastics.
3 May 2020You can listen to Lisa's interview with Patricia Karvelas on RN Drive between 14:50 - 22:48.
adair donaldson talks about consent and the law.
March 14, 2021Don’t think it matters to you? It matters to all of us. Sexual abuse lawyer and educator Adair Donaldson shares 5 short reasons you...

federal government urged to close loopholes.
11 December 2020Adair Donaldson, said: "loopholes will be exploited by paedophiles, so anything we do to ensure the safety of children is a no-brainer."

revenge porn karma. when it hits it sticks.
October 14, 2020In the last few weeks, multiple legal cases have come out of Canberra that should send shockwaves throughout Australia. For those people who think...
support services.
We encourage you to talk to and rely on the support of family, friends and professional services.